Saturday, August 8, 2009


Bonjour! I'd like to first apologize for not posting.. I have been exhausted, and spent all of yesterday painting my sisters house for her move.. ( I didn't remember how difficult it was before I started! ) Regardless, I'm thrilled to see such positive feedback on "30 Days of Summer" - Which starts in just two more days! I hope everyone is as pumped as I am. What ideas do you guys have so far for themes? I know i've been rattling with tons of cute theme ideas, and I can't wait to see how they will play out. Also bloggers, and blog readers.. Promote it! We want lots of people to participate and lots of readers to know and read all the blogs every day. Thanks to everyone who's already been spreading the word. I need to hire some sort of managers to find bloggers for me hehe.. Anyways, Today was Absolut Modeling Agencys fashion show for "AL'OL Shapes" I was sadly not on the runway today, but I did stay to watch. After the show, Mayra (The owner) spotted me and called me backstage where I was wearing this fancy "french" inspired yellow number. "Malika is so pretty!"
I hope you like ^^

Neopolitan Dreams
Theme: French

You'll go and I'll be okay,
I can dream the rest away.
Its just a little touch of fate, it will be okay.
It sure takes its precious time, but it's got rights and so have I.

I turn my head up to the sky
I focus one thought at a time
I do not let the little thieves under my tightly buttoned sleeves
You couldn't be alone, the time I feel like I am walking blind
I have nowhere, I'll have time

You wait your turn in the queue,
You say your sorry's and thank you's.
I don't think you're ever
A hundred percent in the room

Deepest, of the dark nights
here lies, the highest of highs
Neopolitan Dreams, stretching out to the sea

Skin: Jolt NB Belle Light by v9
Hair: Fishbone 02 - Light brown by 69 (No longer available)
Bracelets: Bangles brown wooden by FS
Necklace: Promo big cheese necklace by BF
Top: Ruffles Long Tank - White by *Cupcakes
Skirt: Hound skirt marigold - TIF
Shoes: Coquette by Kalnins

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